The Manufacturing module in Monak covers all necessary features of a Manufacturing business. There are options to take a work order, enter stock of items, create a Production Plan, manage Bill of Materials, generate reports, and more.

The Manufacturing module in Monak helps you to maintain multi-level Bill of Materials for your Items. It helps in product costing, production planning, creating work orders for your manufacturing shop floors, creating job cards, and planning inventory by getting your material requirement via BOMs (also called Material Requirements Planning MRP).

You can track work-in-progress by checking the Work in Progress Warehouses.

Monak will help you track material movement by automatically creating Stock Entries from your Work Orders by creating Bill of Materials. When a work order finishes and an item is manufactured, the Stock Entry will be affected. Raw materials are consumed, and finished items are created.

You can also effectively track operations like:

  • Production Orders against a Customer's Sales Order
  • Material Planning
  • Purchasing based on Material Planning and reorder level
  • Track actual material transfer against a Production Order
  • Manufactured items dispatched to the Customers
  • Stock/Inventory Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Website and Content Management
  • View reports
  • Email and SMS Integration